I don't normally "blog" on here, I more so state what I have been up to, but I was pretty impressed with 500 days of Summer, last night. I really enjoyed the honest portrayal of relationships; which isn't something you often get out of Hollywood. - So I thought I would ramble some thoughts about it!
Tom goes through what the majority of people do at some point in their life. You meet someone and feel that the relationship is perfect, and that they are the "one". So you stay totally blinded by the truth of the relationship, ignoring signs and feelings that it just isn't working - maybe you argue, maybe they don't put you first whatever it is, looking back at a break- up, later, you always see it, and you know you knew it was there the whole time, but you didn't want to see it or admit it. You stay holding on to the relationship with all your might, even though it is hurting you to do so. Most of us have been through this, and when it ends you feel that there is no way you are ever going to be happy again, that no one will fill the standards that the last person set. What I enjoyed a great deal about the movie is that it actually took a realistic view on this, and showed that just as the other person moved on to what makes them happier, eventually the other person does too, and often with someone that doesn't make them feel insecure about the relationship everyday and makes them happy instead. They really showed that, if one person steps out of the relationship - it wasn't meant to be, but it wasn't for nothing, because with every person we are with, we learn and grow and love more. Having already gone through these motions myself, and finding my "Autumn" (which only makes sense if you have seen the movie) I thought it was great to see a more truthful look at relationships, break- ups and moving on with your life. It makes people that have been through it nod, smile and hold their new love a little tighter and realize just how lucky they are and yes that is directed at you Colin :) ; it makes those currently going through it, sigh in relief that there could really be a light at the end of the heartbreak tunnel.
The other movie thought is much shorter, so stay with me.
Last night there was an add for a new Disney movie. I was so excited that they were actually coming out with a children' s movie that wasn't digitally animated - back to the old school "cartoon" version! However, after my excitement passed I thought to myself; Disney still hasn't grown - after all these years, nothing has changed. Yes they made this princess of African decent, which hardly seems like growth, but more of a "token" character - one that they can now sell to children of colour (just like they did years ago with the introduction of a brown haired lead). No doubt a doll they can hope to see in the hands of one of President Obama's children - to up their sales.
I digress, my point is that she is still a "princess" needing to be rescued needing her "prince" to find/save her. Dear Disney, let out the waist lines of your Princess' and give these women some stronger personalities! Although, I fear that even if they did, it would become a baseline for jokes and be just another token. *sigh*