Saturday, December 19, 2009

and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world

Today is the birthday of the most wonderful woman in the whole world! My mom! My mom and I are pretty insanely close. I love her like crazy, and would consider her my best friend, not in the cheesy way, but for real! When I think about the opinion I want the most about anything, it is my mom that I trust most. I have four more sleeps until I see her for Christmas and I am beyond exicted to see her, and fill our time doing what we always do - drink a lot of wine, baileys in our coffee in the morning and chatting until our tongues go numb! (side note we really aren't alcoholics). Anyway, I could go on for days about how awesome my mom is and how much I love and admire her, but that would make us both cry ha ha. Anyway, I just wanted to say

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I'm sooo envious that you get to go up to Muskoka and see your mom. That's all I want for Christmas, and I can't have it! :(
    Enjoy it for me (I know you will)
