Thursday, November 5, 2009

I've been trying to find, what's been on my mind

So lately it seems that the main topic of conversation among my friends and inside my head, is where do I go from here? It seems like we are all struggling to figure out how to get from the place we are at now to the next step in our lives, and how to ensure that next step will a) make us feel full filled b) allow us to function as actual adults -saving for a house, life etc. The thing is, no one seems to have any idea how to get from here to there. It seems that all the education we have gone through has failed to teach us what we actually NEED to know, which is how to live as successful adults. Lets face it, if you have a degree in anything arts related you might as well just set it on fire, because it gets you nowhere, and not only does it get you nowhere, but the courses failed to teach us anything useful - like HOW TO LIVE! It is like the road of life isn't even a crossroad right now it is just a foggy road with no lights! I would be happy with a crossroads at this point. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy to know that no matter what happens I have the love of my life and my best friend to head down any road with me and that makes the whole "journey" a little easier to swallow, but I just fear waking up a few years from now, exactly where we are at now. I am just not sure what steps to take to get to the places we want to be. Colin and I both want to go back to school, but it is going to take money to get to that place. I feel that once we can get through school and get into an actual career we can feel a little more secure in our lives, but what about the in between time? Do we do travel first? Mostly I am afraid of life getting in the middle of our plans and looking back later and being upset that we didn't do what we wanted when we had the opportunity (well time at least) to do so.
I am just in need of some choices to present themselves in my life so that I can pick a direction! At this point I would be happy with a crossroad to concern myself with!

* it does make me feel a little better that some of my closest friends are going through the same growing pains as I am*


  1. haha yes, you happen to be one of the friends I was referring to. Story of our friendship parallel lives.
