Tuesday, November 10, 2009

lean against the wind Pretend I am weightless and in this moment I am happy

Yesterday I got Ella groomed, being really unhappy with our old groomer I had a hard time finding someone new, mostly because the old one would pick her up and drop her off, which was very handy as I do not have a car; then I found "The Squeaky Paw" where the groomer actually comes to your house! I was a little worried about what it would be like and how it would work out, but it turned out to be a great experience. Through the summer Ella's grooming went a little out of control so she had to have a lot taken off. Now she hardly looks like herself! But she is still as sweet as ever!

Before After

After the groomer left, Ella and I hit the street to show off her new 'do, we decided to pick Colin up from work. When we got home Colin insisted on making dinner for me <3 which I never turn down...and then we went out for McDonald's for a sundae - I couldn't get over how gorgeous it was and we had to make the best of the weather! Unfortunately the ice cream really didn't settle well for either of us, and before we had even left, we agreed it was a bad idea, ha ha it was a fun idea anyway. We didn't do a whole lot when we came home, literally just enjoyed our awesomeness together.

P.S the other day Colin made this "Band of Horses" lyric his status on facebook

"when you smile the sun it peaks through the clouds, never die for always be around and around and around"

This was outstandingly sweet as Colin is never overly mushy on any social network device and coupled with the fact that it made my heart nearly explode with love when I saw it, I thought it was necesary to document it on my blog so I always remember how sweet he is to me.

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