Monday, November 23, 2009

We all have someone that digs at us, At least we dig each other

Friday night, we had Jen and Kevin over to see our place, have a few drinks (Jen brought the most amazing wine as a housewarming gift.) and then we headed down to Bertoldi's for dinner. Dinner was amazing! I decided to try a new pasta dish, it was a spicy marinara sauce with shrimp over linguine. It was amazing, and not so spicy that you don't enjoy it.

After dinner, we were having too much fun to end the evening so at Jen's suggestion, we went to symposium for some Cheesecake and alcoholic treats. I ordered the blueberry tea, it had amaretto and some other liqueurs in it. The way it was described on the menu sounded so nice, so relaxing. The reality however, was not, it was very gross ha ha. I didn't finish it!

Saturday Colin headed to Toronto with Darcy, and I went to Shauna's for her housewarming party. It was so nice to have a girls night that included learning way too much about some of the ol' MED crew while playing "never have I ever" and two noise complaints. The second complaint was followed by the MED fighters at their best, making the landlord slink back awkwardly saying "sorry I don't want to ruin your night" after he had come in guns blazing! Another win for the ladies. It was a fantastic night!
*side note, we really weren't being loud at all!

Sunday, I prepared my best tween scream and headed out to see New Moon with Jenny and Tina. The movie was defiantly a step up from Twilight, but still had some pretty cheesy CGI moments. I was also excited to see so many girly movies coming out in the near future...which means more dates with the ladies! When I got home, Colin was home, we ordered some Pizza and hung out sharing stories from our weekends, and believe me there were some Dozzies! Then laid around singing old 90's songs and making each other laugh. We also got a really sweet message from Joanne, telling Colin that she and Jen were talking and they have never seen him so happy and how amazing it is for your soul when you find the right person!! That made my heart very happy, as you can imagine. I am looking forward to hanging out with them again soon, we have a lot in common so it makes hanging out fun!

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