Tuesday, November 3, 2009

and I did my time in hell

So last night was AMAZING! We went to see The Bad Idea's for the millionth time, and as per usual they were fantastic. Also as per usual we forgot our camera! One day we will remember and be able to document the event in picture format.
But I am ahead of myself, even before the concert our night was incredible. I just love being able to have the love of my life come home and my very best friend all in the same body! We ate subs and hung out, and played some music while I danced around. A laugh fest for sure.
I know that one thing is for sure, when we are together I am always happy and when the evening ends with us drinking and rocking out to Chance's band, it is the best day Ever!


  1. this is true!
    it was so fun. and the weird VJ girl? haha.
    and last night was even better!
