Friday, August 21, 2009

“As we grow better, we meet better people”

I have been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting on the last year or so. A lot has changed, for the better- of course. If I go into chronological order, this post will be a short novel, which is unnecessary, especially because those of you reading this, already know all the important points. Recently I was evaluating the path my life is on, Colin and I had a very impromptu conversation about where we would like to see our lives go. We originally had these conversation months ago, but that was more to evaluate if we were on the same path - thankfully we are, this time we looked into specifics. Clearly we are both growing more and more dissatisfied with working for GoodLife, after some discussion Colin decided that he wanted to pursue becoming a paramedic! At this point I was feeling rather lost as I had no idea, aside from the ESL plan what I could or wanted to do. After a lot of discussion and amazing support, from Colin and my go to advice giver Jenny I discovered a program through George Brown for ASL (sign language) basically you become certified to be an interpreter for the hearing impaired. Since we decided along time ago to move to Toronto in the spring, I decided to sign up for an intro course at Fanshawe for ASL in the mean time, to make sure it's something I want to do. When we move, I will take the courses part time.

In other change news, our department has gone completely down hill and we have applied to another department within home office. Management here is being super supportive surprisingly so, cross your fingers!

In the midst of all the life changes - moving in together, career and school paths etc, I have started looking at the people around me, some people have drifted or moved away, but I know they are still there. Some people were never people I wanted in my life and have since been erased from my memory. What I have noticed is that there are some people that I considered close, for the wrong reasons, people that really don't offer anything positive in my life, people that were only remaining involved in my life out of my feeling of obligation or habit. Because so much has gone on in the last few months, I have really discovered who matters and who doesn't.

I know that it is possible to stay close and stay connected to the people that matter most no matter where they are, or how often you see them, where some people can live right next door and you have no desire to connect with any more. Maybe I have outgrown them, or developed into someone that doesn’t desire their negativity, either way, it is a huge weight lifted. I have always felt very strong about cutting out people poison, but when it comes to people that have been around along time sometimes that is more difficult, like a bad relationship. I feel that as I am growing up and moving on, I am understanding more and more about what is important in the people that are important to you. The people that are important to me know they are, I don't have to remind them, and they never feel that I am not there. These people are people that I look up to for some reason, who I will be there for in a heartbeat and who actually contributes in a positive way to my life. I am not going to list these people; because a) that would be weird b) unnecessary c) I mentioned that they know who they are. I will give a special shout out to Jenny however, because she and I have been through every change in life together, we nearly killed each other in res, we have survived heartbreak together, and breaking hearts together, I give a lot of advice, but Jenny is the only person I actually go to and accept advice from. It amazes me that we don't see each other for sometimes years at a time, and yet when we do it's like we haven't missed a moment. We also seem to live pretty paralle lives, I love Jackson for Jenny, like she loves Colin for me!

What this long rambling means, is that as I am growing older, I have realized that life is too short to be around people that don't make you happy, and that force you explain yourself over and over again, for no reason accept to emotionally manipulte you. I feel free and so happy!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOU!!! And I will always be there whether I'm in reasonable proximity or not. And in less than a month we'll actually get to SEE EACH OTHER! Hurray! :)
    Yay to being real awesome friends! <3
