Friday, March 5, 2010

I’m going to make it by any means I got a pocketful of dreams

About a week ago Colin's sister Joanne won a radio show prize to see Alicia Keys called "Keys to the Suite" basically the way it works is she and 9 of her friends are treated to a night out - limo ride, fine dining, backstage passes and a suite to see the show from, and last night Joanne asked ME to be one of her 9 friends! I am really excited! I mean I don't necessary listen to a lot of Alicia Keys, but lets face it, lady has some sweet pipes and anything she does will be fantastic! Mostly I am just so happy that Joanne included me to be a part of the evening. I tried to Google some more information about this prize and all I found was a blog from some 40 year old woman complaining that Joanne won and not her...too funny, if you are super bored you can check it out oldladyblog.


  1. thanks for the shout out, I wasn't complaining about Joanne, congrats to her, I'm jealous of the fabulous night out she won.

    I was making fun of myself, it was a self-depreciating post about believing you have won.

    Have a great night in the suite, enjoy Cello and the limo.

    old lady blogger :)

  2. Jena I am soooooooooo glad that you are able to come to the concert on Monday night!!! I wouldn't have it any other way. It's going to be a blast. I am a HUGE Alicia Keys fan and the FUNNIEST part was that I was pouting that Andre didn't get me tickets and low and behold..............I WON THE CONTEST!!!! Apparently they liked the story..........YEY. I will see you on Monday and I am counting the sleeps!
