Tuesday, January 19, 2010

To cut or not to cut?

Lately I have been pretty bored with my hair. It has grown super long, and I am just bored and annoyed with it. So I have been considering doing the unthinkable....CUTTING IT OFF! I want something a little bit more polished and elegant looking, instead of my wild long hair that I never do anything with outside of flat iron. Here are some pictures of what I am aiming at... I really want something I can actually style easily, not just hang there...Thoughts? Ideas? Should I or shouldn't I?

1 comment:

  1. Lauren Conrad's would be the easiest to style... whereas the other two look like they would be more about the styling rather than just a length thing. Although I DO love that Mandy Moore hair.

    However, I'm jealous that you have long hair! I wish I did. Although I know the grass is always greener on the other side...
