Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kissed my neck with a crooked, cracked fang.

Last night Colin surprised me with a movie date. We decided on "Daybreakers". I have always been a huge fan of vampire based story lines, way before the whole Twilight phanomanon, so I was pretty excited to see this movie.
Unfortunately the movie was pretty terrible. To start, the main Vampire's name is EDWARD and he doesn't drink human blood (really we couldn't think outside the box on this one?) if we are going to borrow characters, we might as well steal ideas too, they have the whole amber eye/red eye thing happening.
I have to say, I am a little bit of a Vampire purist. While I can accept different ideas on certain aspects of the Vampire lore, one thing I can't stand is making them BORING and with no real background. The thing about the Vampire, is that they are supposed to be sensual. The whole point behind them, is that they lure their pray by being irresistible, and even when they are drinking their blood, it seems sexual not dog/banshee like and messy. So basically what this movie brought to the table was boring typical American's that drink blood instead of McDonalds - no passion, no deep and bruiting hot vampires in search of a soul; then they added just enough cheese, to make your roll your eyes at the most "scary" moments we are talking slow walk while hair blows in the wind, awkward "funny lines" by the humor relief character, and Ethan Hawke dressed like Harrison Ford in his Star Wars Days, and then ended it like a 12 year old's wet dream minus the boobs.
Basically this movie was trying to send the message that once a resource is used up, we are screwed (in our world water, oil etc) but because of the Twilight madness, instead of creating a movie that discusses just that, they decided to cash in on the hype of Vampires.

However, the date itself was a blast and I loved the surprise movie idea! In the future, I am going to have to stick to the older Vampire stories and be wary of anything put out AFTER Twilight - and even Twilight is pushing it.

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