Thursday, January 14, 2010

and I could be your favorite girl, perfectly together...

I seem to have been really good at not procrastinating and now have nothing to do. In this event the best plan is to steal a survey and do it...oui?
Jenny I stole this from you...

What are your middle names?

Martine and Daniel.

How long have you been together?

10 months, but it feels like 10 years (in a good way of course!)

How did you meet?

We met on the day he interviewed at GoodLife, I walked him out, and told them they wouldn't call him back ha ha. On one of his first days he sent me a picture of John Stamos and we immediately became best friends.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?

4.5 months, but remember we spent 40 hours a week together talking NON stop and then worked out together and joined a dodge ball team together.

Who asked who out?

There was a moment during a discussion where I realized I could stop trying to make myself believe I wasn't interested and then we just clicked and never looked back.

How old are each of you?

24 and 25

Do you have any children together?


What about pets?

Ella. She is mine, but since we live together, she is "ours". Some days Colin counts her as his, other days she is my dog - days when she barks a lot or pees on something she shouldn't.

Did you go to the same school?


Are you from the same home town?

Not even close. Both small towns though.

Who is the smartest?

We both have different strengths, I would argue Colin is overall though.

Who is the most sensitive?

Clearly that would be me ha ha.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

For dinner out it would be Ben Than's for Pad thai, for bar related food it would be Winks and Crabby Joes. Pretty refined pallet we have I know.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Ha ha, probably my parents house. We have big plans though.

Who has the worst temper?

Me. Colin doesn't have a temper period.

Who does the cooking?

We share the cooking. Since we started dating I have lost my touch in the kitchen, so Colin takes over and rocks it.

Who is more social?

We both are. Colin is louder though.

Who is the neat-freak?

Neither of us thank god. We keep this place pretty tidy and organized though.

Who is the more stubborn?

That would be a toss up. I think we would both stand our ground that we are the most stubborn.

Who hogs the bed?

Me, but not on purpose. I have no understanding of space while I am sleeping and if you let me smoosh you off the bed, then that is your own fault.

Who wakes up earlier?

During the week Colin generally. Neither of us really gets out of bed without the other during the weekends, but if someone does, that someone is me.

Where was your first date?

Black Shire St. Patricks day, it was the first time we saw Chance's band "The Bad Ideas" which probably explains half the reason we are so obsessed with them.

Who has the bigger family?

Colin. Good Lord. 100% Colin. 9 Siblings 20 nieces and nephews.

Favorite memories?

Impossible to pin down. We have had some great trips, and events, but literally everyday is so amazing. I couldn't even attempted to pick a few.

Do you get flowers often?

Ha ha no, but Colin spends every day doing little and big things that make me happy, I don't need flowers.

How do you spend the holidays?

We have tried to split them up where we can. Mothers day and Fathers day were spent here with his family. We spent Thanksgiving with my family, and most summer holidays (because they have a pool ha ha), Christmas we spent separately with our families and it was THE WORST EVER. We plan on never being apart like that again, so holidays are going to get split up next year.

Who is more jealous?

I am going to go with me.

How long did it take to get serious?

About 5 seconds. ha ha. We tried to play it cool the first week we started dating, making it seem like we didn't want to centre our lives around each other. That literally lasted less then three days.

Who eats more?

Portion size, Colin...he is nearly a foot taller for Christ sake, if he didn't I would be concerned.

Who does/ did the laundry?

We usually do it together. If not it's pretty balanced.

Who’s better with the computer?

Colin. Hands down. I know the general stuff, but my response to a problem is to shut it off and hope for the best ha ha.

Who drives when you are together?

Colin, mostly because I don't drive. But if I did, it would still be Colin, I always find it weird when a girl is driving with a guy in the passenger seat.

Who plays an instrument?

Colin plays the Bass. But I am pretty awesome at all air instruments.

Do you share the same taste in music?

We have some pretty different tastes, but fortunately for the most part they bleed together and we both enjoy what the other listens to.

Who exercises more?

Used to be me, but now 100% Colin.

Who eats better?

Probably me, only because I need to incorporate some sort of vegetable every once in a while.

Who's more romantic?

I would say that I am more of A romantic, but when it comes to gestures, probably Colin.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?

Neither of us, we are equals, so I guess that makes us nudists.

Who snores loudest?

Jack Daniels. That is, Colin only snores with the influence of his friend JD.

Is there anything you both share/enjoy?

Pretty much everything you could think of, we enjoy everything together even just the simplest things like, sitting together. Wow does that ever sound LAME.

Who takes more pictures?

I would say I take the most "real pictures" Colin spends a lot of time taking pictures of me and I am generally unimpressed since I am usually not wearing make-up, in my pjs or not paying attention. ha ha.

Who cries the most?

Not even a question, I cry at everything, good things bad things. Commercials. I thank my mom for that one.

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