Tuesday, September 29, 2009

" I got a man to stick it out, make home of rented house"

Finally posting a few pictures of our new place all finished! Honestly, the blogger photo uploader is annoying, so if you want to see more, lurk facebook. I am just so excited to be "officially" living together! It is pretty amazing, and I couldn't ask for anything better. Our little apartment is now officially our home and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the man I share it with! Living with Colin is fantastic. As cheesey as it sounds our home is full of so much happiness and laughter all the time! I am so happy and so in love.

1 comment:

  1. Awww isn't it the best? Living with Jax is the best living situation I've ever been in!
    The place looks awesome, can't wait to come see it! :)
