Sunday, February 28, 2010


It was definitely a smart idea to reserve a table at Winks for the Gold medal game (even if we didn't think to do it, thank you Darcy and friends). Nothing beats the excitement of a bar full of people waiting on the edge of their seats, chanting and singing, and then exploding with excitement when Canada won, after a surprise trip into overtime busting into a round of "Oh Canada".
Three Pitchers of $10.00 beer and the best nachos in town didn't hurt either!
Then to head home to the cheers and horn blasts of everyone on Richmond made everything even better! A great end to an amazing weekend!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ma New Hurr Do

After an annoying amount of thinking about it, I went to get my hair cut, I had talked and talked and thought about cutting it off to my shoulders, but having my hair really long for so long, made me a huge chicken and I made an appointment just to have it trimmed.

BUT when I got to Coco, I decided just to go for it, and with the magic that is my wonderful hairdresser my hair turned out like this...

I also hate taking self portraits I feel like an awkward 14 year old taking pictures for my "myspace" ha ha, so I hope these pictures get my new do' across to your liking - Jenny, I am talking to you. Anyway, I love my new hair, I love how fresh and clean it looks and how healthy my hair now feels!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oh Canada. Oh. Oh. Canada.

Even though I used to figure skate, I never had much interest in watching any of the competitions or followed many skaters careers, but the other night I caught Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir in their second dance and was blown away by their talent. Their performance was simply flawless, so fluid and powerful, it even caught Colin’s undivided attention. Last night was the first time I actually waited in anticipation for an Olympic event to start and again was stunned by their exquisite performance. I was so happy when they rightfully won gold (a first for Canada in ice dance)! Take that Russia!

Kiss you like it’s the last time I’ll get to

Colin has been fighting off a pretty brutal cold/throat infection for a little while now, and decided to take yesterday off to try to sleep it all off, not feeling well myself I decided to hop under the covers and join him. It ended up being the best sick day I have ever had in my life. We laid around and slept almost all day long. Then just laid around on the couch and watched the Olympics. Also, after watching Shutter Island we had a hankering for some more Leonardo DiCaprio and fake Boston accents and decided to re watch The Departed (note when reading the title you must drop your R's in order to have a genuine Boston experience.)
Not very many people can turn a sick day into a relaxing day of fun, I know how lucky we are and am thankful for every second of it.

...For the criminally insane

Another fantastic weekend under my belt!

Friday night Colin and I rented Before the Devil Knows your dead, it was alright, we never ended up watching the ending, but I think I will sleep fine tonight not knowing what happens.

Saturday we had our weekend pancake intake and while heading out to the movies, we realized it was BEAUTIFUL outside (finally a little sunshine) and took a detour before going to see Shutter Island to check out the Records at Grooves. The selection is alright there, but the way they have things set up makes my head hurt and the over charging of their records makes me a little stabby!
Shutter Island , we saw this trailer months and months ago, and have been waiting anxiously to finally see it, and it was INCREDIBLE, it was everything I expected it to be and so much more, I wont say much more, so that I don't accidentally give anything away, just stop reading this and go watch it! Also, it was a book first, which I didn't realize, and now I want to run out and read it!

Our trip to the movies, was a little bit of an adventure, as it nearly resulted in Colin punching some douche bag kid in the neck - this couple comes in LATE knocks over the girls pop beside them and doesn't have the decency to offer to purchase her a new one, then starts up a loud and obnoxious conversation about nothing, and starts loudly making out - lets just say that words were exchanged, and fortunately no one was punched in the neck - because lets face it, punching people is only funny in theory in real life, it's just trashy.
Saturday night Colin and I went over to Winks for a long over due visit to our favorite watering hole, only to realize it had been taken over by the worst of the worst we're talking UFC fans or UFC douche bags - it was honestly like walking into the twilight zone. We quickly marched out of there and too refuge at Poachers.
Sunday we took in another beautiful day, and went to Smitty's all day breakfast!
I enjoy our weekends together, and packing as much fun as we can into them, it still boggles my mind how we can spend such a ridiculous amount of time together, and all we want to do is spend even MORE time together.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

" Anybody want a peanut"

Ok I am seriously slacking on the updates lately.
ANYWAY, This weekend was full of celebration!

~Saturday we hung out and had our usual weekend pancake breakfast, ran some errands around town and then Saturday night we met up with Andrew and Katie and made the trek down to Colin's brother Blaise's house for a birthday celebration. We came home to a bottle of red wine and re watched Cabin Fever which apparently was just re released this weekend. The horror flick was just as I remembered, pretty gross and pretty awesome.

~ Sunday was amazing as it was our very first Valentines day! I really like Valentines day, but not in a - you better buy me flowers and candy sort of way, but rather just taking time out to celebrate how lucky we are to have each other and bask in our awesomeness! (even if we do that everyday and eat lots of Valentines day candy!

Sunday afternoon we also headed over to Rainbow for our usual weekend matinee. While Colin offered to see "Valentines day" with me, I was quite certain it would be fairly lame and a cheap rip off of "Love Actually" and suggested we see "Wolfman" instead, while it wasn't the greatest movie of all time, it did serve it's purpose and was entertaining.

~Monday I celebrated family day with my little family! Colin and I hung out most of the day and then went out for a celebration of a wonderful weekend dinner!
I know I am failing to remember some of the stuff we did this weekend, but all that matters is that the last three days were incredible and spent with the most incredible person I know, reasons to celebrate or not, this long weekend would have been just as wonderful!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself away

This weekend was AWESOME!
This weekend went by way too fast.

Saturday as every weekend, the greatest boyfriend on the planet made me some pancakes, and I came up with the stellar idea to put some chopped up apples in sugar and cinnamon in a frying pan with some butter and heat it up - made for a pretty deliriously outstanding delicious pancake topping. Later on we went to Jen and Kevin's for dinner with Joanne and Andre. After dinner had some drinks and played Scene it! It was so much fun, I can't even explain it, I just have so much fun with the whole family and all the kids are so great. Everyone just makes me feel so at ease and I can be totally myself around them! I spent a lot of time hanging out with Kati and her tween magazine, brushing up on all my gossip and doing quizzes. Matthew made Colin and I another great piece of artwork and watched bits of Home Alone with Josh!
OH and we got to do all of our laundry we were there! (It is all about the little things in life). We stayed the night and headed home in the early afternoon.
Sunday Colin and I kept with our usual ritual and went to Rainbow to see a matinee. We ended up going to see "From Paris with Love". Now, when this movie trailer came out, I was totally turned off, thought it was going to be the worst movie of all time - but since it was the only thing playing that wasn't catering to an audience in the third grade we decided to check it out. (I mean I do love me some John Travolta). Turns out the movie isn't bad at all, I actually enjoyed it a great deal AND found myself laughing very hard through the whole thing (because it is more of a comedy not because it was bad ha ha).
After the movies we came home to watch the Superbowl...ha no that is a dirty lie, neither of us had any desire to watch it, we chose to watch a movie we had already watched instead. We watched Shooter, to all of you on the edge of your seat wondering.
Another sweet weekend with the one I love the most!
Can't wait to celebrate our first Valentines day next weekend!

P.S I have had Cheap Tricks "Surrender" stuck in my head since I watched the John Hughes episode of One Tree Hill the other day...good tune, I'll let it stay stuck.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Did someone ask for a useless piece of technology?

Look no further than the I-pad
I am pretty sure it is a step back and totally useless....Since the iphone and the touch already exist, explain to me why we need an know what, don't bother, this picture explains everything I feel about it!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Come on kid get out of bed, show em what you can do

Last night my dad came to London town to meet Colin! He stopped by our place to check it out and then we headed over to Moxie's for dinner. It was a pretty wonderful time, and I think my dad and Colin hit it off pretty well too! I am so glad they finally got to meet! I am looking forward to living in Toronto and being closer to my dad!

After dinner Colin and I hit up Nite Owl for Dave Hause's FREE acoustic show. I was aware that Nite Owl was supposed to be tiny, but this bar is a glorified hallway. I still really enjoyed it though - minus the TV that plays non stop Porn (soft core) but I actually don't enjoy a parade of boobs all night ha ha.
We met up with Andrew and Katie who had been there since 8:45 (we got there around 9:30) and waited until 11 when the show actually started, (seems Nite Owl will run like Call The Office and we can expect at least a 2 hour delay to when the show starts) It was a pretty great show to say the least. If you don't know who Dave Hause is, do yourself a favor and look him up!

All in all, a really great evening!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Still two sips away from a box of wine

Yesterday my dear friend Laura introduced me to her boyfriend's new band Make Your Exit.
I was pleasantly surprised at how much I really enjoy them! I am a sucker for anything with an indie-ish feel especially when you throw in a piano a saxophone and my absolute favorite a chello. What I enjoy most is the way that they give their harmonies texture it gives so much more elegance to their music, then is usually expected with an "indie" band.
Make Your Exit is going to be playing at Black Shire here in London at the end of March, I am looking forward to seeing them preform and hope that Laura makes it down for the trip too!

Anyway, I will stop rambling on about them so that you can check them out for yourself!

Monday, February 1, 2010

There's no place that I'd rather be, than at home with you next to me.

How is the weekend already over?
This weekend we decided to hibernate as much as possible.
Saturday after a pancake induced coma Colin went to visit Andrew, where he obtained a bunch of new records! *Thank you Andrew for deciding to start a record store, right after we bought a record player!
My personal favorites including Chuck Ragan, The Loved ones and Johnny Cash!
So we filled our Saturday evening with a lot of red wine and records.
Sunday we broke out the records for some more pancake making fun, (note, I don't even like pancakes that much, but Colin has a special way of making them that makes them OUTSTANDING) went back to bed for some snuggle time, and decided to bundle up and check out Rainbow for a matinee.
We saw Edge of Darkness. I fully expected this movie to be a cheesy cop movie, but I didn't care because I have a weakness for cheesy cop movies, but I was pleasantly surprised that it was actually really good, and had a lot more depth to the story line than I had expected, and it didn't have a stupid chase scenes or 20 minutes of things blowing up, it was actually fairly realistic, I didn't 100% buy Mel Gibson's Boston accent, but overall the movie was pretty decent!
We ended the weekend with the Grammy's, to be honest I never really watch them, at least not from start to finish, but I really enjoyed this year a lot!
Lady Gaga performing with Elton John?!? = Amazing
Beyonce busting into old school Alanis Morsette EVEN BETTER!
I don't care what anyone has to say about Pink, her acrobatic performance blew my mind.
And how could I not mention my favorite moment - Bon Jovi singing our song "Livin on a prayer".
Another great weekend, I can't believe how lucky I am that I get to spend so much time with the best person in the world!