Thursday, April 15, 2010

The art of language

I had my first ASL class tonight and it was INCREDIBLE! There are not enough words in the English language, or any language for that matter to describe how great it was.
One of the best parts of this class, is that my teacher, is actually deaf. From the moment class started, he started to immerse us in sign language, and when the only choice is to figure out what he is signing, you learn, and you learn fast. I mean of course he is incredibly patient and an excellent teacher, he didn't just walk in acting like we should be able to just catch on or anything, his methods are pretty great, not to mention his sense of humor makes everything feel a lot easier and more comfortable.
However, if we struggle or there is a lot that needs to be said, we have to result to spelling out the words we don't know (signing of course) SOMETIMES, it needs to be brought to the board and actually written out, it is pretty amazing, to basically have no talking in the class and be totally over taken by the art of the language itself. I am so excited for next week, I wish that I could go every single day. Really I wish I knew someone else that signed, I am going to have to use my free time to find a hearing impaired friend, which I am sure I could if I looked hard enough on Kijji I could ha ha.

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