I am pretty sure that all the wishing for snow that I have been doing, has been lost in translation. It seems that the snow gods are confused and seem to have sent ALL the snow up North to my parents house. Apparently the snow hasn't stopped coming down since Tuesday and it is so bad, that they are actually CLOSING towns! Apparently Huntsville is CLOSED! How you close a town, I am not too sure, but either way, they seem to be getting all the fun parts of the snow, and we are getting stuck with the fidget cold. Oh well, at least when I head home it will actually feel like Christmas! Although, I have to sat that it seems that unlike most of the people I know, I am actually really in the Christmas spirit this year, I mean it is coming with a little bit of stress (still haven't gone shopping yet) and then the sad fact that Colin and I will be spending Christmas apart. SIGH. I am heading home on the evening of the 23rd and wont be back in London until the 28th. We aren't just missing Christmas together, but it is the longest we will have been apart since we started dating! I know, I know, there are a lot of people with much harder situations, but still this is my blog and I am going to whine ha ha.
but even though we are going to be apart, I am still excited for our Christmas together, and the Christmas-y things we have already done this year have been pretty awesome. I am also really excited to go home, I really miss my family. Also, when I was growing up, we used to go on a sleigh ride every Christmas eve with a bunch of people, but the last few years we haven't done it, and I was really starting to miss it, but my mom has informed me that this year we are bringing back the tradition! It will be a little different, it is just going to be our family instead of a party full of people, and it will go through Port Sydney instead of through a field - which means it is more of a one horse open sleigh kind of a deal, so no one will be thrown off and into a snow bank, like we used to do. Either way, I am so happy and excited that we will be partaking on the sleigh ride again!